Content Creation

It all starts with the story. Whether it’s a technical manual or a noir-thriller we learn best via a story.  In the links above you will see some recent projects.


Watch Chess Match on Amazon and Vimeo.



Truth – The best stories, even total fiction, expose the Truth in our lives. While easy to be obvious, entertaining and showing the Truth is an art. Making a movie can be a time consuming and expensive art form, but it also cannot be equaled with the ability to touch our minds and hearts.

Beauty – Beauty is everywhere if you take the time to find it. From the petals of a flower to laughter of a child beauty surrounds us. In our projects we seek to find and share that beauty. While there are topics and situations which are decidedly not pretty, sometimes we must see darkness to appreciate the light.

Service –  Helping others is important. We regularly give our time to help others. We would like to encourage you to seek out a local soup kitchen, mobile Loaves and Fishes, or any service organization. There are many who suffer, please give a few hours and help others less fortunate.





Linux – In addition to entertainment I also write, create content, and teach for various organizations. I’m currently responsible for writing and updating these for The Linux Foundation:

In my almost 20 years working in technology I have also created and taught for Red Hat, Sun/Oracle, Couchbase, IBM, MapR and other bay-area startups.

If you would like to reach me about technology, just replace the <takeout> with the at symbol (@): Tim<takeout>